How to List Remote Work on Your Resume + Examples

If you have no data to use then point out the goal you worked towards and the purpose you served. We’ll go through example sentences of this shortly later on in this guide. By doing so, you subtly hint that your location shouldn’t be the problem for the prospective employer since you excel while working from the home office.

If you are looking for a job without a resume, check this article. Did you have extensive history of teleworking but held different positions? Consider creating the section “Remote experience” in a resume and list all remote jobs there. Thus, you communicate that you have a good track record, and the hiring manager doesn’t have to read each job posting to understand whether this was a remote position or not. The next opportunity to include your remote experience is in the key skills section underneath your introductory resume summary.

Include remote accomplishments in your bullet points

Here are 3 things you want to keep in mind when negotiating a remote work setup. Most companies use an ATS (applicant tracking system) to manage the recruiting and hiring of team members. One of the features that makes ATS systems so useful is the search functionality.

how to indicate remote work on resume

Most times, you’ll be working by yourself with limited supervision. So give examples on your resume that prove you’re a reliable person who knows how to self-organize, take initiative, and meet deadlines. Not everyone is as skilled or efficient as others in a remote environment. Remote work means you’re not limited to doing your job in the company office.

Where to add remote work on a resume?

This makes people start to question how to navigate the situation. If you have a skills section under your professional summary, work in a few that relate to your remote work experience. You could include relevant telecommuting technologies as a starting point, or add “remote” to the bullet point. You can discuss the number of years you’ve been part of a remote workforce, as well as telecommuting-specific skills or achievements along with industry- or field-specific ones.

how to indicate remote work on resume

The reverse chronological format is the most preferred way of listing your work history. It reveals no gaps in your professional background by starting with the most recent events. However, this step can be skipped if how to list remote work on resume you’re expected to work in a hybrid or fully remote setting. Send us your resume and full description of desired job position. Failing to tailor your resume or CV according to each role can mean missed opportunities.

Remote Work Tips

If, for whatever reason, you want to keep the company’s location, consider listing the fact of telecommuting in the very first bullet point. In this case, you list responsibilities and accomplishments as usual and mention that some of projects or assignments were done remotely. For instance, you can write “Created articles for email newsletter and corporate blog while working from a home office”. This method works best for employees who worked from home for years, not for someone who has jumped into a teleworking role quite recently. The simplest way is to write “Technical support representative with 3+ years of remote experience”.

  • Use keywords that employers are clamoring for, such as “excellent communicator,” “highly organized,” “self-manager,” “problem-solver,” and so on.
  • If you’re not sure what skills are relevant to the remote job you’re applying for, search for the job using the tool below and it’ll give you a list of skills required for that position.
  • Another place to show your remote working exposure is in the experience section, where you typically add the location of your previous employers before explaining your work history.

Contact us today and see how our resume writing expertise can benefit you. By changing your locations, employers will see that your setting doesn’t get in the way of your performance. This makes your resume more interesting and can lead to an interview.

They know how to manage their time remotely and have experience collaborating and communicating with remote teams. They show that they are adaptable in changing and critical situations and can do their work expectantly. And though that doesn’t mean you’re not a part of a team, remote employers expect you to be independent. It’s not so easy to pop into your boss’s office or your coworker’s cubicle to get an answer to a question when you’re separated by miles and time zones.

how to indicate remote work on resume

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